Monday 21 March 2016

The Disease Which Can Be Defeated By Organic Herbs

Herbal medicines act as a natural and safer remedy to a lot of common health problems. Unlike allopathic medications, these are easily accessible, inexpensive and have no side-effects. If you are facing any major health disorder, taking these herbs would ensure quick and effective healing. As with any other medication, it is important to consult experts before you buy organic herbs for any illness. To get some idea, here is a list of diseases which can be combated by organic herbs:


From unattractive blackheads, whiteheads to cystic and hormonal- any type of acne is a source of frustration among teenagers and adults alike. It blemishes your skin and sometime can cause severe itching and skin irritation. Exposures to excessive dirt, unhealthy diet, stress or hormonal imbalances are some of the primary reasons that cause acne. There are several medications and home remedies to treat acne. But among of all them, herbal medicines are most effective as they accelerate the healing process and cause no side effects.

Suggested Herbs: Calendula, aloe, tea tree

Anxiety and Stress

Being a psychological ailment, stress and anxiety can adversely affect your physical and mental health. Stress can be generated by any incident that frustrates you or make you nervous. Anxiety is another major disorder that makes you feel scared, worried or at unease. Buy organic herbs as these are quite helpful in limiting its affects.

Suggested Herbs: Hops, kava, passionflower, valerian, chamomile, lavender

Seasonal Cold

Scientifically, a common cold or simply cold, is a viral infectious illness that affects the upper part of your trachea. Signs and symptoms of seasonal include coughing, sore throat, sneezing, headache, and fever. It lasts for the duration of at least 7 days.

Suggested Herbs: Echinacea, ginseng, coffee, licorice root (sore throat), tea (nasal and chest congestion)

High cholesterol

High cholesterol is a primary cause for coronary heart disease, and the reduced level of blood lipid decreases the cardiovascular risk. The primary reason of high cholesterol can be improper intake of fatty food items like oil, butter, red meat and Egg Yoke. Complex carbohydrates also lead to an increase in the cholesterol level of your body. Although a proper diet and exercise regime may keep it in check, but taking few organic herbs would fasten the process.

Suggested Herbs: evening primrose oil, flaxseed, soy foods, green tea


Migraine is a major headache disorder that leads to repeated headaches ranging from moderate to severe levels of intensity. The headaches covers a half of your head, are throbbing in nature and almost last for more than 70 hours. Its symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and irritation to light, noise or smell. The intensity of pain worsens by more physical labour.

Suggested Herbs: Feverfew, butterbur

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